Duplicates Plugin ================= This plugin adds a new command, ``duplicates`` or ``dup``, which finds and lists duplicate tracks or albums in your collection. Usage ----- To use the ``duplicates`` plugin, first enable it in your configuration (see :ref:`using-plugins`). By default, the ``beet duplicates`` command lists the names of tracks in your library that are duplicates. It assumes that Musicbrainz track and album ids are unique to each track or album. That is, it lists every track or album with an ID that has been seen before in the library. You can customize the output format, count the number of duplicate tracks or albums, and list all tracks that have duplicates or just the duplicates themselves via command-line switches :: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FMT, --format=FMT print with custom format -a, --album show duplicate albums instead of tracks -c, --count count duplicate tracks or albums -C PROG, --checksum=PROG report duplicates based on arbitrary command -d, --delete delete items from library and disk -F, --full show all versions of duplicate tracks or albums -s, --strict report duplicates only if all attributes are set -k, --key report duplicates based on keys (can be used multiple times) -M, --merge merge duplicate items -m DEST, --move=DEST move items to dest -o DEST, --copy=DEST copy items to dest -p, --path print paths for matched items or albums -t TAG, --tag=TAG tag matched items with 'k=v' attribute Configuration ------------- To configure the plugin, make a ``duplicates:`` section in your configuration file. The available options mirror the command-line options: - **album**: List duplicate albums instead of tracks. Default: ``no``. - **checksum**: Use an arbitrary command to compute a checksum of items. This overrides the ``keys`` option the first time it is run; however, because it caches the resulting checksum as ``flexattrs`` in the database, you can use ``--key=name_of_the_checksumming_program --key=any_other_keys`` (or set the ``keys`` configuration option) the second time around. Default: ``ffmpeg -i {file} -f crc -``. - **copy**: A destination base directory into which to copy matched items. Default: none (disabled). - **count**: Print a count of duplicate tracks or albums in the format ``$albumartist - $album - $title: $count`` (for tracks) or ``$albumartist - $album: $count`` (for albums). Default: ``no``. - **delete**: Removes matched items from the library and from the disk. Default: ``no`` - **format**: A specific format with which to print every track or album. This uses the same template syntax as beets' :doc:`path formats`. The usage is inspired by, and therefore similar to, the :ref:`list ` command. Default: :ref:`format_item` - **full**: List every track or album that has duplicates, not just the duplicates themselves. Default: ``no`` - **keys**: Define in which track or album fields duplicates are to be searched. By default, the plugin uses the musicbrainz track and album IDs for this purpose. Using the ``keys`` option (as a YAML list in the configuration file, or as space-delimited strings in the command-line), you can extend this behavior to consider other attributes. Default: ``[mb_trackid, mb_albumid]`` - **merge**: Merge duplicate items by consolidating tracks and-or metadata where possible. - **move**: A destination base directory into which it will move matched items. Default: none (disabled). - **path**: Output the path instead of metadata when listing duplicates. Default: ``no``. - **strict**: Do not report duplicate matches if some of the attributes are not defined (ie. null or empty). Default: ``no`` - **tag**: A ``key=value`` pair. The plugin will add a new ``key`` attribute with ``value`` value as a flexattr to the database for duplicate items. Default: ``no``. - **tiebreak**: Dictionary of lists of attributes keyed by ``items`` or ``albums`` to use when choosing duplicates. By default, the tie-breaking procedure favors the most complete metadata attribute set. If you would like to consider the lower bitrates as duplicates, for example, set ``tiebreak: items: [bitrate]``. Default: ``{}``. Examples -------- List all duplicate tracks in your collection:: beet duplicates List all duplicate tracks from 2008:: beet duplicates year:2008 Print out a unicode histogram of duplicate track years using `spark`_:: beet duplicates -f '$year' | spark ▆▁▆█▄▇▇▄▇▇▁█▇▆▇▂▄█▁██▂█▁▁██▁█▂▇▆▂▇█▇▇█▆▆▇█▇█▇▆██▂▇ Print out a listing of all albums with duplicate tracks, and respective counts:: beet duplicates -ac The same as the above but include the original album, and show the path:: beet duplicates -acf '$path' Get tracks with the same title, artist, and album:: beet duplicates -k title -k albumartist -k album Compute Adler CRC32 or MD5 checksums, storing them as flexattrs, and report back duplicates based on those values:: beet dup -C 'ffmpeg -i {file} -f crc -' beet dup -C 'md5sum {file}' Copy highly danceable items to ``party`` directory:: beet dup --copy /tmp/party Move likely duplicates to ``trash`` directory:: beet dup --move ${HOME}/.Trash Delete items (careful!), if they're Nickelback:: beet duplicates --delete -k albumartist -k albumartist:nickelback Tag duplicate items with some flag:: beet duplicates --tag dup=1 Ignore items with undefined keys:: beet duplicates --strict Merge and delete duplicate albums with different missing tracks:: beet duplicates --album --merge --delete .. _spark: https://github.com/holman/spark