LastGenre Plugin ================ The MusicBrainz database `does not contain genre information`_. Therefore, when importing and autotagging music, beets does not assign a genre. The ``lastgenre`` plugin fetches *tags* from ``_ and assigns them as genres to your albums and items. The plugin is included with beets as of version 1.0b11. .. _does not contain genre information: .. The plugin requires `pylast`_, which you can install using `pip`_ by typing:: pip install pylast After you have pylast installed, enable the plugin by putting ``lastgenre`` on your ``plugins`` line in :doc:`/reference/config`, like so:: [beets] plugins: lastgenre The plugin chooses genres based on a *whitelist*, meaning that only certain tags can be considered genres. This way, tags like "my favorite music" or "seen live" won't be considered genres. The plugin ships with a fairly extensive internal whitelist, but you can set your own in the config file using the ``whitelist`` configuration value:: [lastgenre] whitelist: /path/to/genres.txt The genre list file should contain one genre per line. Blank lines are ignored. For the curious, the default genre list is generated by a `script that scrapes Wikipedia`_. .. _pip: .. _pylast: .. _script that scrapes Wikipedia: If no genre is found, you have the opportunity to specify a fixed string instead (declare *fallback_str* with no value to blank the genre field):: [lastgenre] fallback_str: Canonicalization ---------------- The plugin can also *canonicalize* genres, meaning that more obscure genres can be turned into coarser-grained ones that are present in the whitelist. This works using a tree of nested genre names, represented using `YAML`_, where the leaves of the tree represent the most specific genres. To enable canonicalization, first install the `pyyaml`_ module (``pip install pyyaml``). Then set the ``canonical`` configuration value:: [lastgenre] canonical: Leaving this value blank will use a built-in canonicalization tree. You can also set it to a path, just like the ``whitelist`` config value, to use your own tree. .. _YAML: .. _pyyaml: Running Manually ---------------- In addition to running automatically on import, the plugin can also run manually from the command line. Use the command ``beet lastgenre [QUERY]`` to fetch genres for albums matching a certain query.