Chromaprint/Acoustid Plugin

Acoustic fingerprinting is a technique for identifying songs from the way they “sound” rather from their existing metadata. That means that beets’ autotagger can theoretically use fingerprinting to tag files that don’t have any ID3 information at all (or have completely incorrect data). This plugin uses an open-source fingerprinting technology called Chromaprint and its associated Web service, called Acoustid.

Turning on fingerprinting can increase the accuracy of the autotagger—especially on files with very poor metadata—but it comes at a cost. First, it can be trickier to set up than beets itself (you need to set up the native fingerprinting library, whereas all of the beets core is written in pure Python). Also, fingerprinting takes significantly more CPU and memory than ordinary tagging—which means that imports will go substantially slower.

If you’re willing to pay the performance cost for fingerprinting, read on!

Installing Dependencies

To get fingerprinting working, you’ll need to install three things: the Chromaprint library or command-line tool, an audio decoder, and the pyacoustid Python library (version 0.6 or later).

First, you will need to install Chromaprint, either as a dynamic library or in the form of a command-line tool (fpcalc). The Chromaprint site has links to packages for major Linux distributions. If you use Homebrew on Mac OS X, you can install the library with brew install chromaprint. Otherwise, on Mac OS X and Windows, download the appropriate binary package and place the fpcalc (or fpcalc.exe) on your shell search path (e.g., in /usr/local/bin on Mac OS X or C:\\Program Files on Windows).

Next, you will need a mechanism for decoding audio files supported by the audioread library:

  • Mac OS X has a number of decoders already built into Core Audio
  • On Linux, you can install GStreamer for Python, FFmpeg, or MAD and pymad. How you install these will depend on your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, run apt-get install python-gst0.10-dev. On Arch Linux, you want pacman -S gstreamer0.10-python.
  • On Windows, try the Gstreamer “WinBuilds” from the OSSBuild project.

To decode audio formats (MP3, FLAC, etc.) with GStreamer, you’ll need the standard set of Gstreamer plugins. For example, on Ubuntu, install the packages gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly.

Then, install pyacoustid itself. You can do this using pip, like so:

$ pip install pyacoustid


Once you have all the dependencies sorted out, you can enable fingerprinting by editing your .beetsconfig. Put chroma on your plugins: line. Your config file should contain something like this:

plugins: chroma

With that, beets will use fingerprinting the next time you run beet import.

Submitting Fingerprints

You can help expand the Acoustid database by submitting fingerprints for the music in your collection. To do this, first get an API key from the Acoustid service. Just use an OpenID or MusicBrainz account to log in and you’ll get a short token string. Then, add the key to your .beetsconfig as the value apikey in a section called acoustid like so:


Then, run beet submit. (You can also provide a query to submit a subset of your library.) The command will use stored fingerprints if they’re available; otherwise it will fingerprint each file before submitting it.

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