Lyrics Plugin

The lyrics plugin fetches and stores song lyrics from databases on the Web. Namely, the current version of the plugin uses Lyric Wiki and

Fetch Lyrics During Import

To automatically fetch lyrics for songs you import, just enable the plugin by putting lyrics on your config file’s plugins line (see Plugins). When importing new files, beets will now fetch lyrics for files that don’t already have them. The lyrics will be stored in the beets database. If the import_write config option is on, then the lyrics will also be written to the files’ tags.

This behavior can be disabled with the autofetch config option (see below).

Fetching Lyrics Manually

The lyrics command provided by this plugin fetches lyrics for items that match a query (see Queries). For example, beet lyrics magnetic fields absolutely cuckoo will get the lyrics for the appropriate Magnetic Fields song, beet lyrics magnetic fields will get lyrics for all my tracks by that band, and beet lyrics will get lyrics for my entire library. The lyrics will be added to the beets database and, if import_write is on, embedded into files’ metadata.

The -p option to the lyrics command makes it print lyrics out to the console so you can view the fetched (or previously-stored) lyrics.


The plugin has one configuration option, autofetch, which lets you disable automatic lyrics fetching during import. To do so, add this to your ~/.beetsconfig:

autofetch: no

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