Command-Line Interface

beet is the command-line interface to beets.

You invoke beets by specifying a command, like so:

beet COMMAND [ARGS...]

The rest of this document describes the available commands. If you ever need a quick list of what’s available, just type beet help or beet help COMMAND or help with a specific command.



beet import [-CWAPRqst] [-l LOGPATH] DIR...
beet import [options] -L QUERY

Add music to your library, attempting to get correct tags for it from MusicBrainz.

Point the command at a directory full of music. The directory can be a single album or a directory whose leaf subdirectories are albums (the latter case is true of typical Artist/Album organizations and many people’s “downloads” folders). The music will be copied to a configurable directory structure (see below) and added to a library database (see below). The command is interactive and will try to get you to verify MusicBrainz tags that it thinks are suspect. (This means that importing a large amount of music is therefore very tedious right now; this is something we need to work on. Read the autotagging guide if you need help.)

  • By default, the command copies files your the library directory and updates the ID3 tags on your music. If you’d like to leave your music files untouched, try the -C (don’t copy) and -W (don’t write tags) options. You can also disable this behavior by default in the configuration file (below).
  • Also, you can disable the autotagging behavior entirely using -A (don’t autotag)—then your music will be imported with its existing metadata.
  • During a long tagging import, it can be useful to keep track of albums that weren’t tagged successfully—either because they’re not in the MusicBrainz database or because something’s wrong with the files. Use the -l option to specify a filename to log every time you skip and album or import it “as-is” or an album gets skipped as a duplicate.
  • Relatedly, the -q (quiet) option can help with large imports by autotagging without ever bothering to ask for user input. Whenever the normal autotagger mode would ask for confirmation, the quiet mode pessimistically skips the album. The quiet mode also disables the tagger’s ability to resume interrupted imports.
  • Speaking of resuming interrupted imports, the tagger will prompt you if it seems like the last import of the directory was interrupted (by you or by a crash). If you want to skip this prompt, you can say “yes” automatically by providing -p or “no” using -P. The resuming feature can be disabled by default using a configuration option (see below).
  • If you want to import only the new stuff from a directory, use the -i option to run an incremental import. With this flag, beets will keep track of every directory it ever imports and avoid importing them again. This is useful if you have an “incoming” directory that you periodically add things to. To get this to work correctly, you’ll need to use an incremental import every time you run an import on the directory in question—including the first time, when no subdirectories will be skipped. So consider enabling the import_incremental configuration option.
  • By default, beets will proceed without asking if it finds a very close metadata match. To disable this and have the importer as you every time, use the -t (for timid) option.
  • The importer typically works in a whole-album-at-a-time mode. If you instead want to import individual, non-album tracks, use the singleton mode by supplying the -s option.


The import command can also be used to “reimport” music that you’ve already added to your library. This is useful for updating tags as they are fixed in the MusicBrainz database, for when you change your mind about some selections you made during the initial import, or if you prefer to import everything “as-is” and then correct tags later.

Just point the beet import command at a directory of files that are already catalogged in your library. Beets will automatically detect this situation and avoid duplicating any items. In this situation, the “copy files” option (-c/-C on the command line or import_copy in the config file) has slightly different behavior: it causes files to be moved, rather than duplicated, if they’re already in your library. (The same is true, of course, if import_move is enabled.) That is, your directory structure will be updated to reflect the new tags if copying is enabled; you never end up with two copies of the file.

The -L (--library) flag is also useful for retagging. Instead of listing paths you want to import on the command line, specify a query string that matches items from your library. In this case, the -s (singleton) flag controls whether the query matches individual items or full albums. If you want to retag your whole library, just supply a null query, which matches everything: beet import -L


beet list [-apf] QUERY

Queries the database for music.

Want to search for “Gronlandic Edit” by of Montreal? Try beet list gronlandic. Maybe you want to see everything released in 2009 with “vegetables” in the title? Try beet list year:2009 title:vegetables. (Read more in Queries.)

You can use the -a switch to search for albums instead of individual items. In this case, the queries you use are restricted to album-level fields: for example, you can search for year:1969 but query parts for item-level fields like title:foo will be ignored. Remember that artist is an item-level field; albumartist is the corresponding album field.

The -p option makes beets print out filenames of matched items, which might be useful for piping into other Unix commands (such as xargs). Similarly, the -f option lets you specify a specific format with which to print every album or track. This uses the same template syntax as beets’ path formats. For example, the command beet ls -af '$album: $tracktotal' beatles prints out the number of tracks on each Beatles album. In Unix shells, remember to enclose the template argument in single quotes to avoid environment variable expansion.


beet remove [-ad] QUERY

Remove music from your library.

This command uses the same query syntax as the list command. You’ll be shown a list of the files that will be removed and asked to confirm. By default, this just removes entries from the library database; it doesn’t touch the files on disk. To actually delete the files, use beet remove -d.


beet modify [-MWay] QUERY FIELD=VALUE...

Change the metadata for items or albums in the database.

Supply a query matching the things you want to change and a series of field=value pairs. For example, beet modify genius of love artist="Tom Tom Club" will change the artist for the track “Genius of Love.” The -a switch operates on albums instead of individual tracks. Items will automatically be moved around when necessary if they’re in your library directory, but you can disable that with -M. Tags will be written to the files according to the settings you have for imports, but these can be overridden with -w (write tags, the default) and -W (don’t write tags). Finally, this command politely asks for your permission before making any changes, but you can skip that prompt with the -y switch.


beet move [-ca] [-d DIR] QUERY

Move or copy items in your library.

This command, by default, acts as a library consolidator: items matching the query are renamed into your library directory structure. By specifying a destination directory with -d manually, you can move items matching a query anywhere in your filesystem. The -c option copies files instead of moving them. As with other commands, the -a option matches albums instead of items.


beet update [-aM] QUERY

Update the library (and, optionally, move files) to reflect out-of-band metadata changes and file deletions.

This will scan all the matched files and read their tags, populating the database with the new values. By default, files will be renamed according to their new metadata; disable this with -M.

To perform a “dry run” an update, just use the -p (for “pretend”) flag. This will show you all the proposed changes but won’t actually change anything on disk.


beet stats [-e] [QUERY]

Show some statistics on your entire library (if you don’t provide a query) or the matched items (if you do).

The -e (--exact) option makes the calculation of total file size more accurate but slower.


beet fields

Show the item and album metadata fields available for use in Queries and Path Formats.

Global Flags

Beets has a few “global” flags that affect all commands. These must appear between the executable name (beet) and the command: for example, beet -v import ....

  • -l LIBPATH: specify the library database file to use.
  • -d DIRECTORY: specify the library root directory.
  • -v: verbose mode; prints out a deluge of debugging information. Please use this flag when reporting bugs.

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