EmbyUpdate Plugin ================= ``embyupdate`` is a plugin that lets you automatically update `Emby`_'s library whenever you change your beets library. To use ``embyupdate`` plugin, enable it in your configuration (see :ref:`using-plugins`). Then, you'll want to configure the specifics of your Emby server. You can do that using an ``emby:`` section in your ``config.yaml``, which looks like this:: emby: host: localhost port: 8096 username: user apikey: apikey To use the ``embyupdate`` plugin you need to install the `requests`_ library with:: pip install requests With that all in place, you'll see beets send the "update" command to your Emby server every time you change your beets library. .. _Emby: https://emby.media/ .. _requests: https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/master/ Configuration ------------- The available options under the ``emby:`` section are: - **host**: The Emby server host. You also can include ``http://`` or ``https://``. Default: ``localhost`` - **port**: The Emby server port. Default: 8096 - **username**: A username of an Emby user that is allowed to refresh the library. - **userid**: A user ID of an Emby user that is allowed to refresh the library. (This is only necessary for private users i.e. when the user is hidden from login screens) - **apikey**: An Emby API key for the user. - **password**: The password for the user. (This is only necessary if no API key is provided.) You can choose to authenticate either with ``apikey`` or ``password``, but only one of those two is required.